Day 13 The New Girl In Town 2

Hi, everyone! How’s everything?
Sometimes you meet someone who completely changes your life all of sudden.
Ai was one of these people for me. She was just an intern when we met.
After work, she kept staying at the office late to prepare for her presentation day to get a proper position. She always enjoyed meeting new people to spend time together. Her spontaneous attitude really inspired me. And I finally got off my lazy butt and started to work on my dream, which was this blog.

So Ai, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I treasure those days when we both were staying late in a meeting room after work to chase each own dream. I’m very fortunate that I have you in my life.

Wow, this description became so personal today.
I am sure that you also have someone special like Ai to me. It doesn’t have to be your family members, boyfriends, or girlfriends. It can be even someone you just met only once in person or someone who you saw only on the TV. They can inspire you so strongly. I hope you have many people like that in your life. See you in the next chapter.

