About us


Japanese gay man living in Tokyo.
Have an Australian boyfriend, living together.


Sage: Author of this Manga blog. He lives in Tokyo with Ed. He is in his 30’s, but he feels like his interests have stopped in his early teens.
セージ : この漫画の作者。東京在住でエドと暮らしている。30代だが、趣味は10代前半で止まっている気がしている。

Ed: Sage’s boyfriend. Originally from Australia. He is nice but loses his temper easily with Sage.

Mum: She was happy and kind, but since suffering from Alzheimer’s disease,
she was always unpredictable but now it’s worse as the symptoms.

Ponu : One of Sage’s sisters. The sweetest person in the family who always takes care of Mum, although can be crumsy at times. she has been portrayed as Ponu since Sage made LINE Stickers of her as a caw.
ポヌー : セージの次姉。おっちょこちょいだが、いつもママの面倒をみている優しい人。セージがポヌーをモデルにしたLINEステッカーを作ったことから、ポヌーとして描かれるようになった。

Ai : Sage’s colleague. Sage thought that she was a threat first because she was prettier, younger and smarter. However, he learnt of her honest nature and they became best friends.
アイ : セージの同僚。セージより可愛く、若くて賢いので、最初は脅威だった。しかし彼女の正直な性格を知り、親友になる。

Matt : Sage’s colleague. TBD
マット : セージの同僚。近日更新予定。

Read the first day in English.
